Welcome to The International Society for Aeolian Research (ISAR)
Aeolian (also spelled “eolian”): an adjective meaning carried, formed, eroded or deposited by the wind (modified from Websters New World College Dictionary)
Dedicated to better understanding aeolian processes
The International Society of Aeolian Research was created to promote contacts among scientists undertaking research in aeolian processes and landforms, to stimulate scientific research in aeolian topics and related fields, and to further the application of the results of such research into practical applications. We accomplish these objectives by:
- promoting contacts among researchers in aeolian processes and related subjects for discussion and comparison of research results;
- initiating conferences such as International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR) and related conferences;
- organizing relevant excursions and demonstrations;
- establishing contacts and cooperation with organizations in other fields of science aimed at similar general purposes, and;
- supporting the publication of a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
We are organized and operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes and not for profit.
Latest News
ISAR Distinguished Career Award 2024: Call for Nominations
The ISAR Distinguished Career Award Sub-Committee invites nominations for the 2024 award with a deadline for receipt of applications of 6 September 2024. This award is presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to the aeolian community through their research, communication, mentoring and development over their careers. Nominations of individuals from underrepresented groups are…