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Article 1. NAME

The name of the Organization is the International Society for Aeolian Research (ISAR)

Article 2. PURPOSE

1. The purpose of the Organization is to promote contacts among scientists undertaking research in aeolian processes, landforms, and modeling, to stimulate scientific research in aeolian topics and related fields, and to further the application of the results of such research into practical applications.

The Organization tries to accomplish these objectives by:
a. Promoting contacts among those undertaking research in aeolian processes and related subjects for discussion and comparison of research results;
b. Initiating conferences such as the International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR) conferences, and related conferences;
c. Organizing relevant excursions and demonstrations;
d. Establishing contacts and cooperation with organizations in other fields of science aimed at similar general purposes;
e. Supporting the publication of a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

2. The organization shall be organized and operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes and not for profit.

Article 3. DURATION >

1. The Organization is constituted for an indefinite period of time.

2. The financial year of the Organization coincides with the calendar year.


1. Membership shall be open to all persons and institutions interested in the study or application of aeolian processes and related subjects.

Four categories of members shall be recognized:
a. Individual members – persons actively engaged in or, after retirement, retaining an active interest in aeolian research and its applications;
b. Student Members – students actively engaged in formal studies at a university, college or similar institution of higher education.
c. Corporate members – institutions, companies, and organizations of manufacturers, dealers and users of equipment related to aeolian processes. Such corporate bodies may only have one individual member representing it in the Organization
d. Honorary members – distinguished workers in aeolian research who have retired from active posts. Honorary members are nominated by active members and approved by the Board.

2. Membership shall be terminated by:
a. Death of a member or, in the case of a corporate member, when the corporation ceases to exist;
b. Resignation by a member or corporate member;
c. Notice given by the Organization. Notice will be given upon failure to pay dues as stipulated in the Bylaws.

Article 5. BOARD

1. The Board of the Organization consists of the President, the President-Elect, the immediate Past President, the Secretary/ Treasurer, and as many other members as are provided for in the Bylaws. Members of the Board shall be members of ISAR.

2. The composition of the Board shall preferably reflect the different disciplines and countries represented within the Organization.

3. The President, President-Elect, and Secretary/ Treasurer shall be the Officers of the Organization.

4. The Board shall conduct the business of the Organization during the period between meetings of the General Assembly in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws and the recommendations of the General Assembly. The Board has the power to suspend a Bylaw temporarily subject to the approval of the General Assembly.

5. The President shall normally annually, call a meeting of the Officers of the Organization. In case such a meeting cannot be arranged, he/she may conduct his business by correspondence/email.

6. Board membership shall be terminated by:
a. Expiration of the term for which the Board member was appointed;
b. Death of the Board member;
c. Resignation by the Board member;
d. Notice given by the General Assembly. Notice will be given upon failure to pay dues as stipulated in the Bylaws.


1. The affairs of ISAR shall be administered by the General Assembly and, on behalf of the General Assembly, by the Board. The General Assembly is the highest authority of ISAR.

2. Transactions of the General Assembly shall include:
a. Reports from Officers and Board, including the presentation of financial accounts;
b. Reports from Chairpersons of Committees and Working Groups and from persons entrusted by the Board or General Assembly with special tasks;
c. Presentation of and voting on amendments to the Constitution and to the Bylaws;
d. Announce the election results of Officers and Board; election of Honorary Members;
e. Setting the membership fee for the next period;

3. All members have the right to attend the General Assembly, to participate in debates and to present proposals for nominations of Board members. In voting, each member has one vote and may authorize any other person present at the General Assembly to act as his or her proxy. Authorization to act as a proxy must be reported in writing to the Board.

4. Decisions of the General Assembly shall be by simple majority of votes, except for those on amendments to the Constitution and on the dissolution of ISAR, which shall be transacted as determined by Articles 8 and 9. If requested by at least one-third of the members present, or by the Board, voting shall be by secret ballot.

5. The President and Secretary/Treasurer of the Board shall act as Chairperson and Secretary of the General Assembly.

6. General Assemblies will be called by the Board by written convocation, to be mailed to the members not later than two months before the date of the General Assembly.

Article 7. FINANCES

1. The financial means of the Organization shall be acquired by:
a. Membership fees;
b. Revenue from properties and transactions;
c. Grants, donations, legacies, and funds received from organizations or individuals.

2. With the exception of Honorary Members, all members shall pay an annual fee determined by the General Assembly and laid down in the Bylaws. The fees are payable on 1 January each year.
3. The funds of ISAR shall be held in custody by the Treasurer, who shall forward a report of the financial accounts to the Board annually. The Board shall authorize the establishment of a bank account at a governmentally insured financial institution acceptable to the majority of the Board. All expenses to be paid which are in excess of $500.00 must be authorized in writing by the majority of the Board.


1. The Constitution may be amended only at a General Assembly. Amendments may be proposed by the Board or by at least ten members acting in concert. Proposals for amendments must be received at least four months before a General Assembly by the Secretary, who shall notify the membership not later than two months before the date of the General Assembly. The amendments shall take effect immediately after they have been ratified by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast

Article 9. DISSOLUTI0N

1. The Organization shall be dissolved only by an email ballot among the entire membership and by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.

2. Upon dissolution the Board shall distribute the assets and accrued income of the Organization to one or more non-profit organizations with objectives akin to its own.

Article 10. DOMICILE

The legal domicile of ISAR shall be Lubbock, Texas, USA.


The legal representatives of ISAR shall be the President and one other Officer. Together, they can authorize one person to legally represent the Organization.

Article 12. BYLAWS

The Organization shall establish Bylaws concerning the conduct and procedures to be followed within the Organization.  


1. A candidate for election as individual member, student member, or corporate member of ISAR shall submit the membership fee required for membership.

2. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be empowered to decide whether an application for membership is eligible under Article 4 of the Constitution and shall admit to membership any applicant who is in his or her opinion eligible. Should there be any doubt the Board shall be notified and the Officers shall decide.

3. Membership will be terminated by death or by resignation, and any member whose annual fees are more than two years in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned unless otherwise decided by the Board.

4. Honorary memberships may be bestowed upon an individual member for a lifetime, dues free, as stipulated in Article 4, 1c of the Constitution.


1. The President shall preside at meetings of the Organization and its Board and shall rule on questions of procedure that may arise; ad-hoc committees may be appointed at the President’s discretion.

2. The President-Elect shall fulfill the duties of the President at any meeting from which the latter is absent, and he or she shall succeed the President if that office becomes vacant between meetings of the General Assembly.

3. In the event of a vacancy occurring through the death or resignation of a Board member, or elevation to the post of President between two successive General Assemblies, the President, acting on the advice of the Board, shall have power to fill such a vacancy for the unexpired part of the term of office.

4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain the records of the Organization and its Board, call meetings of the Organization and Board as provided for in the Bylaws, be responsible for all secretarial duties required by the activities of the Organization and collect and disburse the assets of the Organization and shall be responsible for the Organization’s accounts.

5. Besides Officers, additional members may be appointed to fill vacancies to the Board.

6. The total number of members of the Board shall not exceed thirteen.


1. The President-Elect of the Organization shall automatically become President of the newly elected Board after the expiration of one term of office as President-Elect.

2. After completing one term the President shall automatically serve on a newly elected Board as Past President for one term after which he/she will retire and not be eligible for election to any position on the Board until one term has elapsed from the date of his/her retirement from the Board.

3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve from one General Assembly to the next and may be re-elected, but after having served three consecutive terms of office shall only be eligible for re-election by special resolution of the General Assembly.

4. Regular Members of the Board shall serve from one General Assembly to the next and shall be eligible for re-election for one further consecutive term of office, but after two consecutive terms of office they shall not be eligible for immediate re-election as Regular Members, but can be elected Officers.

5. Each term of office shall commence with the close of the session of the General Assembly at which the election takes place.


1. The President shall appoint five members of the Organization to serve as a Nominations Committee and appoint a Chairperson among them. This Committee shall, six months before a General Assembly, present to the Board a list of nominations for each office or position on the Board to be filled.

2. Any member of the Organization may, not less than four months before a General Assembly, nominate in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer, with proof of acceptance, any eligible member of the Organization for each office or position shall to be filled on the Board. These nominees shall be added to the list drawn up by the Nominations Committee.

3. The ballot list containing the names and particulars of nominees for the offices of President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer shall be presented to all members in good standing of ISAR at least one month before the General Assembly. The duly completed list shall be returned to the Secretary so as to reach him/her not later than fourteen (14) days preceding the General Assembly after which the elected officers shall commence their duties. Election shall be by simple majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie the election shall be decided by drawing of lots by the President at the General Assembly.


1. The Organization shall normally hold an International Conference on Aeolian Research every two years. The Conference shall be organized by the Convener who proposes a meeting location. The Convener(s) and selection of the next ICAR meeting location shall be selected by the Board after consideration of proposals presented at the ICAR meeting. The Convener(s) shall appoint an Organizing Committee to be responsible for all arrangements in connection with the Conference. Papers will be published in a special issue of Aeolian Research. The members of the Board shall be advisory members of the Organizing Committee. One member of the Board shall be appointed by the President to be a regular member of the ICAR Organizing Committee.

2. Members of ISAR shall receive a reduction in registration fees at all International Conference on Aeolian Research meetings.

3. The International Conference on Aeolian Research shall have an account separate from that of ISAR. The responsibility for any deficits and their settlement lies with the Organizing Committee.

4. During each biennial International Conference on Aeolian Research, a General Assembly shall be held at which the business affairs of the Organization shall be transacted. If a General Assembly cannot be held within the normal period, the matter should be put to the membership by email ballot. A two-thirds majority is required for a decision.

5. An Extraordinary General Assembly to transact business of the Organization may be called at any time by the Board, and one shall be called if the President receives a requisition for such an assembly from a total of at least 10 members resident in at least 3 separate countries.

6. At a General Assembly or an Extraordinary General Assembly no matter can be decided upon that has not been specifically mentioned in the agenda of the meeting.

7. The members shall be informed of the time and the place of a General Assembly or an Extraordinary General Assembly not later than two months before it is to be held.

8. At all meetings of the Organization each member shall have one vote, and the President shall have a casting vote. Except for decisions described in Articles 8 and 9 of the Constitution, all decisions are made by simple majority of the votes cast.

9. Twenty per cent of the membership of the Organization shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


1. The expenses that can be charged by the Secretary/Treasurer include office expenses, publishing expenses and, with the approval of the Board, special expenses relating to the operations and activities of ISAR.

2. The balance sheets of ISAR shall be prepared per 31 December each year, and financial accounts shall be forwarded to the Board before 1 May in the following year.

3. The membership fees for individual and corporate members shall be recommended by the Board and determined by the General Assembly. The membership fees shall be due on 1 January.


1. The Board shall hold a meeting immediately before each General Assembly. Additional meetings may be called by the Secretary/Treasurer, President or by a majority of the Board. When personal attendance of a majority of the Board is not practical, then the Board may conduct a meeting by correspondence or other distant communication means, providing that a quorum be established by acknowledgement of all items of correspondence by a majority of the Board. The full business of the meeting should be completed within 30 days.

2. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

3. The business at each Board meeting shall include:

a. Reports and proposals by the President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Journal Editor-in-Chief

b. Reports and proposals by the Chairpersons of Committees and Working Groups;

c. Examination of proposals for Honorary Memberships.


1. Members of standing Committees and Chairpersons and Secretaries of Working Groups shall be appointed by the Board. Members of ad-hoc committees and observers shall be appointed by the President.

2. The Organization may cooperate with organizations in other fields of science aimed at similar general purposes. Such cooperation may take the form of joint committees, invitations, delegation of observers, etc.

3. Persons with special talents, interests, or experience appropriate to the agenda may be invited by the President to attend meetings of the Organization.

4. Membership composition of all Committees and the names of Chairpersons and Secretaries of Working Groups shall be announced to the members of the Organization.


1. If appropriate, National/Regional Branches of ISAR may be founded. They shall be governed by a Board, which should consist of at least a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. These Officers shall be nominated and elected by the national/regional membership of ISAR.

2. National/Regional Branches of ISAR shall conduct their business in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of ISAR.

3. National/Regional Branches of ISAR can only be effectuated if officially recognized by the Board of ISAR.


1. ISAR shall scientifically support the International Journal, ‘Aeolian Research’, and shall encourage its members to use this journal as the prime international medium of information in the domain of aeolian research and related fields.

2. The Editors-in-Chief and the Associate Editors of ‘Aeolian Research’ shall be appointed by the publishers after consultation with the Board of ISAR. In this way, ISAR shall safeguard the required high scientific standard of the journal.

3. The Secretary/Treasurer, or another member of ISAR appointed by the Board, shall be responsible for all contributions to the news and announcements section of Aeolian Research.

4. ISAR is not financially responsible for any profits or losses which accrue from the Journal.


1. The Bylaws may be amended at a General Assembly or Extraordinary General Assembly of the Organization by simple majority of the votes cost.

2. Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by the Board, or by petition to the President by ten or more members of the Organization.